The Best 5 Yonex Tennis Rackets For Beginners

My first racket was an Yonex, I’ve chosen the brand first and then found a model good for me, an adult woman that wanted to start playing Tennis for the first time.

The model I choose was the Yonex Vcore Team 98 280g – 16×20, this because I was starting to learn Tennis with a teacher and wanted to force myself to know the proper technique and a 98 square inch head size could make me pay more attention to the contact point.

But I know that not everybody is like me, and frankly, if I knew everything I do now, I would choose another racket to start with it.

In this Post I want to help you find the best Yonex for you to begin your journey on Tennis, the model I bought is not available anymore and the models are always changing, that’s why I intend to come back to this Post to update with the new models as soon as possible.

This is my list of the best 5 Yonex rackets for beginners (click in the name to see more about the racket):

  1. Yonex Ezone 100
  2. Yonex Ezone 108
  3. Yonex Astrel 115
  4. Yonex Astrel 105
  5. Yonex Ezone Ace

Lots of Pro Tennis players use Yonex rackets, you can click here to see my list of rackets the men’s Pro use and here to know which women Pro plays with Yonex rackets.

If you are still thinking about the brand of your first racket, maybe you should take a look on this Post here that I did about the best Wilson’s rackets for beginners.

And don’t forget to choose the right size of grip for you, every racket model has different sizes you can choose from, I recommend you to get a small one since is easier to build up the size if needed, I talk more about grip size here in this other article.

1 – Yonex Ezone 100

The Ezone 100 is one of the best sellers of the brand, if you want to begin with a popular racket that is easier to trade or find, this could be a good choice.

This racket is good for beginners and intermediate level, so you will not need to change to another racket for really long time. I wrote about the differences between beginner and intermediate rackets here in this other Post.

It is more indicated to people who are going to take Tennis classes to improve faster than those who want to play on the weekends and don’t want to learn fast the good technique to strike the ball.

It has a great amount of power but with more control for a 100 square inch racket. Yonex have a great dampening technology on their rackets and this one is comfortable, but if you got any problem with tennis elbow is better to get a more forgiven racket.

Ezone 100 is in the same category of specs of the Babolat Pure Drive, considered for a lot of people one of the best rackets of all time.

For curiosity’s sake, I recommend you to read this other Post I did here on the blog about the head size of the rackets pro’s use. Is very interesting to know this, for example, the Ezone 100 is the choice of some pro’s, this shows how versatile this racket can be.

Of this list, this is the heavier racket, but this is not considered too heavy for beginners, if you want to know what weight is considered heavy, go in this link here to another Post I did on this same blog.

If you are curious to know the average weight of pros Tennis rackets, click here to read my research about it.

2 – Yonex Ezone 108

This racket is an oversize, but because is an Yonex, the sweetspot is considerable larger than rackets of other brands, this is a great option for seniors’ players that want to learn Tennis.

The length of this racket is bigger than normal, this means is easier to reach the ball and your shoots are getting even more power.

Since the head and the length of the Ezone 108 are bigger, the low weight help with maneuverability.

The Ezone 108 is good mostly for beginners, but if you are in the intermediate level and plays a lot of doubles, this might be a good option too.

Is a little too stiff for someone with arm problems, but should be no problem for those who doesn’t have tennis elbow.

3 – Yonex Astrel 115

Other great racket for senior’s and double players is the Astrel 115, I just put this racket below the Ezone 108 because of the price, if you got the money, this one is best.

If you really need or want the most power possible, this racket is perfect. Like the Ezone 108, it has a big head with light weight, but this one doesn’t have bigger length, in fact, the length is smaller than of most rackets on the market.

This racket is also great for playing doubles. You will feel this racket to be faster to swing than the other oversize’s because of the smaller length and the string pattern makes the Astrel 115 spin friendly.

In general, The Astrel 115 is a good blend of great power, control, easy maneuver and comfort.

Did you know? A racket can have different holes for the strings even if has the same string pattern. The Astrel line has elongate grommets for more power and comfort even if you don’t hit in the center of the strings.

You can learn more about the holes of the strings and grommets here in this other Post I’ve wrote.

4 – Yonex Ezone Astrel 105

If you are not a senior player and is an adult who is just starting to learn Tennis but needs power and all the possible help to play well effortless, the Astrel 105 is the racket for you.

Unfortunate it is more expensive than the Ezone 100 and 108 and that’s one of the reasons this racket is not at the top of this list, but if you don’t mind spending more money and like the characteristics of this racket, you will not regret.

Unlike the Astrel 115, the Astrel 105 has the standard length, a little more weight and the string pattern is more towards control than spin.

Not everyone starts learning Tennis with a coach and has a prepared body for sports, if that’s your case, you are going to need help from an improvement racket like this one since the technique is not going to evolve fast if you start to play alone or just with friends once in a while.

5 – Yonex Ezone Ace

If you are not sure you’re going to play Tennis for the rest of your life and you are just getting to know the sport and want a cheap racket with great quality, the best option of this brand is the Yonex Ezone Ace.

This is probably the best price for a good Yonex racket and most of shops sells it prestrung, but it is a graphite racket that can lest for a long time, unlike the ones made of aluminum.

The specs of the Ezone Ace are very similar to the Babolat Boost Aero a model that is normally more expensive and is also great for beginners, I talk about this racket here in this Post, there I compared the Boost Aero with the Pure Drive model.

I wish I could buy this racket, I’m from Brazil and here they don’t sell this model, I would like to test it because there are so little reviews about it on the internet, but I will tell what I think look on the specs.

The Ezone Ace is very light, has a slighter big head (102 square inch) and is Head Heavy, this specs tells me that is a good racket for beginners only and in the future, you will probably change it for another model.

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